[Verse One]
Mirror mirror on the wall
Can I be cutest of them all
Or is my identity
Locked up in just what I see
How much energy
Should I put into it
Or should I just kneel and pray
As I ponder all these questions
I hear my spirit say
I need to mirror mirror mirror you
Mirror mirror mirror you
Its not about me
But its about you
I need to mirror mirror mirror you
Mirror mirror mirror you
When I look into the mirror
The reflexion that I see
Should be you
[Verse Two]
Mirror mirror
What the Lord
Laid down for us
In his word
So we don't have to be
What the world wants us to be
The image that I should portray
Is one that models
A godly way
When I look into my mirror
The reflection I will be
Will be you
[Chorus Two]
I need to mirror mirror mirror Him
Mirror mirror mirror Him
Its not about me
But its about God
I need to mirror mirror mirror Him
Mirror mirror mirror Him
When I look into the mirror
The reflexion that I see
Should be God's
[Bridge One]
Gaze gaze into heavens mirror (2x)
And be the you
You were meant to be
Oh Oh
When I look into the mirror now
I see you telling me
I am beautiful just the way I am
You will never ever feel insecure
If you gaze into heavens mirror