"Jacob's Name Is Israel (Parody of "Takin' Care of Business")"
by ApologetiXAlbum: Apologetix Classics: Party
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Apologetix Classics: Party
Artist: ApologetiX- Old Time Romans Road (Parody of "Old Time Rock and Roll")
- Meshach (Parody of "Love Shack")
- Jonah Jonah (Parody of "Mony Mony")
- Yhwh (Parody Of "Ymca")
- Micah No. 5 (Parody of "Mambo No. 5")
- December 5 Or 6 B.C. (Oh Holy Night) (Parody of "December 1963 (Oh What a Night)")
- I'm a Receiver (Parody of "I'm a Believer")
- Get Found Tonight (Parody of "Get Down Tonight")
- Baa! We're Lambs (Parody of "Barbara Ann")
- Livin' What Jesus Spoke Of (Parody of "Livin' La Vida Loca")
- Stay In the Light (Parody of "Stayin' Alive")
- Jehovah (Parody of "The Joker")
- Boy Tell the World (Parody of "Joy to the World")
- Twins Came Out (Parody of "Twist and Shout")
- Pray Now (Lost Art) (Parody of "All Star")
- You Booked Me All Along (Parody of "You Shook Me All Night Long")
- Play That Funny Music (Parody of "Play That Funky Music")
- Found God (Parody of "Hound Dog")
- Jacob's Name Is Israel (Parody of "Takin' Care of Business")
- I Love Apostle Paul (Parody of "I Love Rock and Roll")
- Love
- Smooth Grandmama (Parody of "Smooth Criminal")