It was a cold winter night I was hurrying home
But someone caught my eye
I didn't want to stop for the man on those steps of that church
But he started to cry
I put my arm around him and said:
'Your Father cares about all that you're going through
And when your life is empty the weight that you bear
Is more than you can handle
Remember the Atonement where blood was shed
To cover our sins and conquer death
If we believe that God speaks today, seek salvation, and obey yes obey
But after all we can do, we will be saved'
I finally get home didn't want to stop again, only thinking of myself
I close my eyes, drift off to sleep, dreaming of somewhere else
I stand before my Maker, He says to me:
'With your lips you do well in honoring me,
But your heart is far away from me
Remember the cross remember my blood,
Believe in me it's more than enough
And love your God above all else, and your neighbor as yourself
Until then, you don't know me'
My heart fills with sorrow, I cry in despair
Then I see the man on those great steps, sitting there
A few days later I'm like him on those steps, now I have nothing left
A familiar face comes out of the crowd,
When he sees me he starts to frown
He says: 'Is this the man that changed my life,
Inspired me to find the truth in Christ
I have been born again. Could this be you''
I look up at him and I see the change, his sad face had gone away
Bright shining eyes where the old ones were dim, I wanted to be like him
'Teach me what I taught you help me to see,
Your life is how I want mine to be
Teach me what I taught you help me to find,
I seek His rest you have inside'
He just smiled and put his arm on mine, as he said:
"Remember the cross remember His blood,
Believe in Him it's more than enough
And love our God above all else and your neighbor as yourself"
I'll remember the cross I'll remember His blood,
I see that it's more than enough
And I'll love my God above all else and love you my neighbor as myself
Now then Jesus remembers me