John was baptizing in the desert
A baptism of repentance
A change of heart toward God
A forgiveness of sins
But he told the people to believe
In the one coming after him
Who would baptize with the Holy Spirit
And with fire
We are told that we should be baptized
In the name of Jesus
Who washes us with water
Through the word
We are clothed in Jesus' grace
When we confess His holy name
The living water cleanses us
And makes us new
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved
When you confess with the mouth
Your faith in Jesus' name
You end the life of sin
That's when you're born again
To live a life for Jesus
The wind blows where it pleases
We hear its sound, but cannot tell
From where it comes
Or where it goes
Like those born of the Spirit
They didn't earn the gift of God
When the Father wills
It comes on its own
Sometimes before
Sometimes after
The Baptism of Water
We are baptized in the Spirit of our God
He will teach us all things
Bring us truth and give us power
To speak the Word of God to everyone
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved
The Spirit lives in us and guides us day by day
By Him we're sanctified
As we live our life for Christ
We become a living sacrifice
Be careful how you build on the foundation of Jesus
For every work is tested by the baptism of fire
If you don't bear good fruit for God then you will have to suffer loss
So live for Jesus and on Him alone rely
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved
In Jesus word immerse yourself each day
Living water washes you
And the Spirit makes you new
So live your life for Jesus
With the Spirit He will lead us
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