Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain
Holy is the Lamb, holy is the Lamb,
Holy is the Lamb, we worship His Name
And bow down before the throne of the Lord
And sing with one voice of redemption He won
For He bought our souls with the price of His blood
And purchased for God His people in love
Mighty is the Lamb, mighty is the Lamb,
Mighty is the Lamb, who laid down His life
Righteous is the Lamb, righteous is the Lamb,
Righteous is the Lamb to defeat death and rise
And we lift up our eyes to the Son of Man
And look with surprise at the strength of this Lamb
Who rose from the dead, having carried our sins
Now reigning in Heaven to eternally live
And we lift up our eyes to the Son who cried
In the garden that night but chose still to die
Who rose from the dead, having carried our sins
Now reigning in Heaven to eternally live